• "2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” NIV


    Your wedding ceremony can be as traditional or creative, the union of marriage is a sacred bond bringing those together in love and joy.

    More information

  • Christian

    A traditional Christian ceremony for couples wanting to marry in the sight of God. It can include verses from the Bible and blessings on your union. Your ceremony will be as meaningful as your Christian values.

  • Muslim

    A ceremony that has Muslim heritage will embrace paramount Islamic traditions.


    Feel completely at ease and enjoy an intimate or creative ceremony to celebrate your union in a safe place full of love and support.

  • Interfaith

    Today many couples are marrying with different spiritual upbringings and blending these will make your union unique.

  • Jewish

    Either a modern take on an ancient ritual, or strong traditional religious themes.

  • Hand Fasting

    Hand binding is a Wiccan/Pagan tradition that can be incorporated into your ceremony as well as other Celtic traditions.