• The Mountain

    Isaiah 54:10

      "10 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you."

    Have you had moments in your life when you feel completely at a loss? Like everything is falling apart? Your own "mountains" of stability crumbling? Or your own "hills" being removed leaving you feeling venerable and desperate? I have.

    I remember hearing this scripture for the first time in 2013.

    I was slowly stepping into the church after a 15-year separation.  I was at my lowest of lows, my body hurting from abuse from my partner, scared of what is to come next, and confused about how all of this happened. The pressure of continuing to be a strong loving mother to three small children was by drive. But I was on fumes of hope. This church provided a path to understanding that God was loving on me during my times of despair, and that He made a promise to me. A promise of peace in my life.

    I don't know about you, but in times of desperation one of my trauma responses is "fight or flight." I can say with absolute certainty that my choice is always flight. Flighting can turn into isolation, which can turn into depression, which can turn into anxiety. It's a vicious cycle I used to struggle with for years. It's very easy to feel completely unloved in an abusive relationship and I craved peace in my soul which I believed I didn't deserved. 

    The hard part is understanding that God loves you at your lowest. It's an intense love, a love unfailing, unyielding, a compassionate passion. When you feel you have nothing, His love is right there just waiting for you to accept Him. In that moment He is saying "just wait." Just wait until the dust settles from the mountain slide or the sky to clear above the hills. Wait for that moment when you can look back and know whatever God brings you to, He will get you through. He gets you through because He loves you and wants you to have peace.


    This I pray. Heavenly Father, I lift to you everyone who is struggling with their own "mountains shaking." Come into our hearts and take away any stress, anxiety, depression, and despair. I pray that you fill our hearts and remind us that we are loved by You. I pray that you bless them with your comfort, love and peace. It is in Your name that I faithfully and fervently pray. Amen! -Pastor Adrian

    Pastor Adrian Ministry August 1st, 2022