• This man was born in 1809.
    - At a young age, he lost his mother and sister.
    - He had two businesses go bankrupt.
    - He ran for public office eight separate times and lost.
    - In 1842, he met the woman of his dreams and they got married. They had four children and three of them died.
    And in 1860, ABRAHAM LINCOLN was elected President of the United States of America.
    Today, he is one of the most celebrated and respected presidents in the history of the United States.
    It's important to tell the story of the mountain someone climbs. Although we see them at the top, we don't fully appreciate the severe hardships they faced during the ascent.
    Don’t give up. Trust God’s timing. HE will get you through the storm!
    Celebrate Recovery Facebook Post from June 27, 2022